CSGO has over 1 million players daily, but how can you learn how to play CSGO the right way?
With CSGO 2 right around the corner, many people are getting into the game for the first time. Although it’s been around for two decades, the game is exclusive to PC and has a higher learning curve than many other shooters.
Learning how to play it can benefit you in several ways because you can join a large, welcoming community. You can also use the skills you gain to rank up fast when CSGO 2 launches.
In this guide, we’ll outline the main things to do to start playing. Read on to learn more!
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Learn the Spray Patterns
When you start learning how to play CSGO, one of the main things you must do is learn the spray patterns. Every gun has a different recoil pattern, so if you want to keep firing in the same spot, the way you move your mouse will vary.
As a beginner, you don’t need to learn the spray pattern of every gun. However, you should at least learn the patterns for the AK-47 and M4A1-S/M4A4. These will be the best guns to use throughout a match, so consider picking up a few CSGO skins for them from Clash.
When transitioning from shooters like Call of Duty and Battlefield, you may feel tempted to use the AUG and SG 553 due to their scopes. However, these CSGO guns cost more money than the AK and M4, and the scopes can prevent you from practicing proper control.
Choose One Map
Another thing you should do is choose a map you like and play it constantly. CSGO allows you to choose the maps you want to play in competitive, so you can play a map as much as you want.
Playing one map as a beginner will help you learn its ins and outs, thus making you a better player on it. While the best strategies may not apply to every map, you’ll gain skills that will translate to other CSGO maps. For example, you’ll know how to enter sites, check corners, and perform tricks like jump smokes.
One of the most popular maps is Mirage, but you can choose any map you like. When viewing the map selection screen, you’ll also see how long the estimated wait times are for each one.
Play Unranked Matchmaking
In the past, the only way players could experience the competitive format was by playing competitively. The competitive mode has more rounds and only 5 players per team, whereas casual has fewer rounds and 10 players per team.
However, CSGO implemented an unranked mode that allows players to play the competitive format without risking anything. Like casual matches, unranked matches don’t count for anything. Because of this, they’re great for new players who want to familiarize themselves with how competitive works.
While people won’t try as hard as they would in competitive, you’ll likely see good strategies due to the match length and player count. You’ll also have an easier time working with your team because casual matches tend to be quite chaotic.
Avoid Private Competitive Services
One of the best things about CSGO is that it has private servers that let you do anything. For example, some private servers, such as surf servers, have custom CSGO maps that don’t involve any shooting. These are fun ways to experience the game without putting anything on the line.
However, you should avoid playing on private competitive servers that use third-party services like FACEIT and ESEA. Players that use these services often take the game more seriously than regular competitive players, so it can be difficult for a new player to feel comfortable.
These services also prevent you from playing on a single map. Instead, they require players to vote on the map they play. Until you get a better understanding of each map in the game, it’s best to stick to the base game’s competitive mode.
Research Good Strategies
Whether you want to play CS casually or competitively, researching good strategies can help you enjoy the game.
On YouTube, you’ll find a plethora of videos about smoke spots, entry strategies, and more. Using these strategies will make you stand out from most players, and you’ll have an easier time getting kills and planting the bomb.
Try to focus on one map at a time when watching videos to avoid forgetting things. While you won’t remember everything, you should eventually know a few basic tricks for each map you want to play.
Define Your Role
In competitive, defining your role is necessary at the beginning of the match. For example, when playing on the CT side, players will state the sites that they’ll defend. If you prefer a certain site, make sure you say you’ll go there before anyone else.
On the T side, players can choose the ways they want to attack any site. However, you should define whether you’ll be an entry fragger, smoker, AWPer, or shotcaller.
In most competitive games, these roles won’t matter because players will do whatever they want. However, if you want to be an AWPer, you must state that because having more than one AWP can hinder your team. Declaring yourself the entry fragger can also help your team enter sites if they’re too hesitant.
Now You Know How to Play CSGO
As you can see, learning how to play CSGO is as simple as starting the game and entering a match. From there, all you need to do is watch some videos and practice.
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